What is Due Diligence, and Why Do You Need It Before Buying Land?

The Hidden Risks of Buying Land Buying land is exciting. You’ve found what looks like the perfect spot to build your dream home. But there’s a reason why so many first-time land buyers end up with major regrets later. Many people assume that if a property is for sale, it must be ready to build […]
What Is a Perk Test? A Must-Know for Homebuyers & Developers

If you’re considering buying land for a home, investment, or development project, you’ve probably come across the term perk test. But what is a perk test, and why does it matter? A perk test, short for percolation test, is a crucial soil evaluation that determines whether a property can support a septic system. Without passing […]
Ultimate Guide to Buying Land and Build a Home – Tips & Tricks

In the realm of homeownership, the journey to building your dream home begins with the crucial step of purchasing the perfect piece of land. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential tips and tricks to navigate this exciting yet intricate process, empowering you to make informed decisions throughout your home-building journey. From understanding zoning […]
Beyond the Sale Price: How Location Affects Your Home’s True Cost

The True Cost of Location: What Most Buyers Miss Beyond the Sale Price When shopping for your dream property, the listing price is just the beginning of your financial story. The hidden costs of buying land can dramatically impact your budget—both immediately and for decades to come. As a real estate professional who has helped […]
Conquering the “Cliffs of Insanity” in Land Buying and Home Building

Land Buying and Home Building If you’ve ever bought land buying with the dream of building your own home, you know the moment. You’ve found the one—the perfect property, the ideal spot to bring your vision to life. The real estate contract is signed, and for a brief moment, you’re basking in the excitement. And then […]
Building on Solid Ground: Understanding Geotechnical Reports in Home Construction

Understanding Geotechnical Reports in Home Construction “Building on Solid Ground: Understanding Geotechnical Reports in Home Construction” When clients ask me about building their dream home, one question keeps coming up more frequently: “Do I need a geotechnical report?” Let’s demystify this crucial but often misunderstood part of the home building process. First, let’s clear up […]
Building Near Nature? Understanding Wildland Urban Interface Requirements in the Pacific Northwest

If you’re dreaming of a home with nature as your neighbor, you’re not alone. The Pacific Northwest’s stunning landscapes—from towering forests to rolling grasslands and sage-covered hills—continue to attract people looking to build their perfect home. But before you start planning that dream house, there’s something important you need to know about: the Wildland Urban […]